David Myhr - Soundshine

americana-UK.com: “Doctors in Sweden prescribe [Soundshine by David Myhr] as a cure for seasonal affective disorder”

Posted: May 5th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: post | Tags: , , , , , , , | Comments Off on americana-UK.com: “Doctors in Sweden prescribe [Soundshine by David Myhr] as a cure for seasonal affective disorder”

So what’s the world like after the release of my solo debut album Soundshine a little more than a month ago? Do people talk about a “before and after Soundshine” effect? Maybe it’s too early to tell… ?After all the sound of the album is what I usually call “timeless” (sounds better than “dated”, doesn’t it?) and therefore I hope it will live on for years to come.

What I do know is that I have extremely fond memories from the  “Soundshine release tour” that took me from a solo show in Osaka via a show in Tokyo with a backing band consisting of Japanese musicians early this year to the odd gig in Turku, Finland, followed by a small solo tour of Spain (Bilbao, Madrid, Burgos) together with Lukah Boo. Then it was time to throw a big release party in my home town Stockholm and shortly after that fantastic night when my U.K. label Lojinx put together a magic night at Borderline in London where I shared the bill (see video clip here) with Farrah and Pugwash. I’m already looking forward to new live shows!

Since the release I’ve received messages from happy record buyers both on Facebook, Twitter and e-mail saying incredibly nice things about the album. (You can be one yourself – no matter where you live – by ordering it from the David Myhr Store!). And that’s really what makes it all worthwhile. It’s such a thrill knowing that the CD is now spinning in car stereos and the mp3’s streaming out of computers and iPods in the U.K., the U.S., Japan, Spain, Sweden, Italy, France, Germany, and hopefully many more countries. I want to thank you all for those messages  – your feedback means the world to me! Please keep the thumbs-up coming for a year or so in order to avoid me sinking into the post-production-depression that I’ve been fearing since I started the recordings two years ago.

There’s also been a bunch of reviews – above all in the blog world – and I thought I’d share some of them with you. Starting of today with a review from americanaUK written by David Cowling that gives Soundshine a 7 out of 10 saying it’s “sheer unadulterated pop music, sheer unadulterated delight” and that it contains “a kaleidoscope of major chords, of bouncy melodies with everything fine-tuned for pleasure”

He mentions the fact Peter out of Peter Bjorn and John co-wrote ‘Icy Tracks’ which he calls “the snappiest song” and that it “sounds like an amalgamation of the Jayhawks, Matthew Sweet, Elvis Costello and Big Star“. The review finishes off by saying that “doctors in Sweden prescribe this CD as a cure for seasonal affective disorder”. That sure as hell would be a good sales boost!

Read the whole review (and feel free to share it with others) by clicking the picture below




#3 on “Best right now” list on Swedish music site “Obladoo”

Posted: February 16th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: post | Tags: , | Comments Off on #3 on “Best right now” list on Swedish music site “Obladoo”

In conjunction with the upcoming release of the single “Got you where he wanted” the well renowned music journalist Anders Lundquist puts me at #3 at the “Best right now” (week 7) list stating; “Myhr in his best moments is Sweden’s 70’s McCartney”